
  • insurance utica ny

    Links to Our Favorite Sites on Insurance, Safety, Driving, and Weather

    For years now, we have been keeping our blog readers informed with insurance information, ideas, and money saving tips. We scour the internet to bring you up to date information to help you avoid losses and live your life safely. In that time we’ve come across some very good websites that we think you will […]

    June 4, 2018

  • utica memorial day

    Honoring Brave Men and Women This Memorial Day

    We salute all those from the Mohawk Valley who have served our country in the armed forces. And as you celebrate with your family this Memorial Day, we hope you will consider all the men and women who have died defending our country. That’s what Memorial Day is all about. It all started soon after […]

    May 25, 2018

  • walking safety mohawk valley

    Safely Walking the Beautiful Mohawk Valley

    Our senior customers in Utica, New Hartford, Whitesboro, and Clinton remember that most kids walked to school in the 1950s-70s. At least they did if they lived anywhere near the school. Now you don’t see as many kids on that short trek to and from classes. Same with walking to the market, hardware store, or […]

    May 15, 2018

  • senior drivers in central new york

    Attention Senior Drivers in Central New York: It’s Not You, It’s the Car

    When it comes to seniors, we tend to concentrate driver safety on their physical and mental constraints. But then we ran across a terrific concept in driving safety for older drivers that we hadn’t thought of before. It’s all about the constraints in the vehicles themselves and the features that, if handled properly, add to […]

    May 8, 2018

  • alcohol and health

    Beer, Wine, Cocktails: The Numbers and Your Health

    Do you remember that 60 Minutes piece by Morley Safer that reported the health benefits of red wine? It was back in 1991 and it helped revive a declining wine industry. The segment was called the “French Paradox,” the unexplained reason for the French eating more fat food than Americans but having fewer heart attacks. […]

    April 30, 2018

  • blooming tree

    Prepare for Warmer Weather with These Home Maintenance Tips

    “No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.” That’s a quote from author Hal Borland — but another favorite saying might be even more appropriate for this time of year: “Be prepared.” After all, warmer weather brings plenty of risk to go with its beauty. If you aren’t ready, you could find yourself with […]

    March 22, 2018

  • beware of dog

    Do I Need to Tell My Insurance Company If My Dog Bites Someone?

    You probably don’t think your dog would ever bite someone, let alone cause a serious injury. But dog bites are more common than you might realize—4.5 million occur every year in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And most victims are young children. Those injuries also have a bigger impact […]

    March 8, 2018

  • car2go

    Considering Joining a Car-Sharing Service? Four Things You Should Know

    Today, as car sharing has grown in popularity (well over a million people are members of various services in the U.S., according to the Transportation Sustainability Research Center (TSRC)), the number of options has grown, too. You can borrow a company-owned car (think Zipcar or Car2Go) for a few hours at a time or for […]

    February 19, 2018

  • Ventilation pipes

    Protect yourself from Carbon Monoxide—at Home and Work

    Every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, hundreds of people in the U.S. die from carbon-monoxide (CO) poisoning—and the invisible, odorless gas sickens thousands more. The numbers seem even more tragic when you consider that most of these deaths and illnesses are preventable. Here are tips from the Consumer Product Safety […]

    February 5, 2018

  • tree in a field

    How to Keep Your Trees Healthy — and Upright

    They’re trees. And as with so many things in life, proper maintenance is critical. Keeping your trees healthy will allow you to continue to enjoy them and their benefits — one of which is providing enough oxygen for four people every day! Maintenance also will reduce the risk of a tree falling on your home […]

    January 16, 2018