Category: Uncategorized

  • unsafe toys

    10 Worst Toys & What Happened to Lawn Darts?

    Remember jarts? They were darts that kids would throw to a target in the back yard. They were banned in the U.S. after 6,100 people were sent to the emergency room for the injuries they caused. The final blow was after a seven year old California child was struck by a lawn dart and killed […]

    June 25, 2019

  • fire at home

    How to Keep Your Kids Safe From Fire at Home

    It’s difficult to think of anything worse than kids getting injured or even killed in a house fire. It does happen here in the Mohawk Valley with the hurt never really going away. Especially for family, friends, and the community in which they lived. So we thought that in our series of fire safety articles […]

    June 18, 2019

  • good driver

    What Makes You a Good Driver?

    As we live our “lives of distraction,” we often forget how much fun driving actually is. But as you get in your car, you’re confronted with a dashboard full of things that have nothing to do with the drive. There’s Sirius XM with music, comedy, and sports. Then video and phones. You adjust, turn on, […]

    June 11, 2019

  • backyard playground safety

    Is Your Backyard Playground Safe? 10 Tips to Prevent Injuries

    Play is a lot different today than it was a generation ago. We continually hear of parents’ frustration with their kids spending too much time on screens rather than engaging in physical activity outside. So to get the kids out of the house, many families are installing playground equipment in the back yard. But there […]

    June 4, 2019

  • family needs life insurance

    How Much Life Insurance? What Kind?

    The two questions that most often come to mind when people think about life insurance are: how much and what kind? There was a time when many questioned the basic need for life insurance. But these days, the premiums are reasonable so price isn’t the barrier it once was. So who comes to us for […]

    May 21, 2019

  • fire safety for disabled

    Fire Safety for People with Disabilities

    Daily life isn’t easy for people with disabilities. Or for those who care for them. That’s why the support of family and friends is so important. And it’s where the professionals at ARC Herkimer, Central Association for the Blind, and Upstate Cerebral Palsy are so important for our Utica area community But many people do […]

    May 14, 2019

  • home equipment insurance coverage

    Home Equipment Coverage & Service Line Breakdown

    Today people have all kinds of equipment at home. Stuff we wouldn’t have dreamed of a generation ago. There’s home entertainment equipment, computers, Siri, and sophisticated kitchen appliances. It seems that our homes have become connected whirlwinds of electronic entertainment and work related gadgets. Plus, many homeowners don’t realize that they are responsible for repairing […]

    May 7, 2019

  • seniors

    Fire Prevention for Seniors

    Attention Mohawk Valley seniors: as you get older your risk of dying in a home fire gets greater. Compared to the general population, people over 65 are twice as likely to be killed or injured in a fire. Smoking is the leading cause of home fire deaths for our seniors. And cooking is the number […]

    April 30, 2019

  • kid on a bike safety

    Bicycle Safety for Mohawk Valley Kids

    Did you know that wearing a bicycle helmet reduces a person’s risk of injury and traumatic brain injury by 88%! That’s according to the New York State Department of Health. Thing is, approximately 19,000 people in New York State are injured due to bicycle related injuries and treated in a hospital each year. And every […]

    April 23, 2019

  • Someone Stole My Fishing Pole…Is it Covered?

    We bet this is the first thing that comes to your mind at the beginning of fishing season: Is your fishing equipment covered on your homeowners insurance? Okay, maybe not the first thing. Unless, of course, something does happen to your gear. We’ll get to that in a sec. But first, we think you’ll agree […]

    April 2, 2019