
  • save on home heating

    How To Save On Home Heating

    Save 30% on your energy bill? That’s what the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) says is possible. That is, with equipment maintenance and upgrades. Plus insulation, air sealing, and smarter thermostat settings. Is it worth it? Considering that heating your home can make up about 29% of your utility bill, we’d say yes! So […]

    November 2, 2021

  • halloween covid safety tips

    Boo!! Trick-Or-Treating Returns in 2021

    Halloween is back!! CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said on Fox News Sunday, “I would say put on those costumes, stay outside and enjoy your trick-or-treating.” Hard to imagine, but as we reported in our blog, this is the opposite advice the CDC gave last year. Then it was, “No traditional trick-or-treating.” We’ve come a long […]

    October 26, 2021

  • Fireplace safety Utica NY

    Maintaining Fireplace Safety

    With the temperatures dropping, it’s starting to become cold outside, causing our homes to be chillier than normal. While we may dread the cold, we’re excited to start using our fireplaces. Not only do they provide warmth, but the aesthetic a fireplace gives us is so cozy and homey. While we always enjoy the ambiance […]

    October 19, 2021

  • Utica cyber security insurance

    Cyber Security Major Concern for Business

    In 2021, cyber threats are a top concern for businesses nationwide. We know this from the Annual Risk Index Survey conducted by one of our companies, The Travelers. The Travelers says, “Of the 1,200 business leaders who participated in the national survey, 59% said they worry some or a great deal about cyber, compared to […]

    October 12, 2021

  • hear it for fire safety

    Let’s “Hear” It For Fire Safety Week October 2021

    What does fire safety sound like? We’ve never “heard” it put quite that way before. But then we saw this year’s theme for fire safety week by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). It’s “Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety!” We know, you’re probably wondering what sound has to do with fire safety. We did […]

    October 5, 2021

  • traffic down accident up

    Traffic is Down Yet Accident Death Rates Are Up?

    We are seeing more reports in the media about traffic deaths. And they aren’t good news. A preliminary estimate from the National Safety Council (NSC) reports 42,060 people killed by cars in 2020. That’s up from 39,107 in 2019. But how can that be? You would think that there would be fewer accidents during the […]

    September 28, 2021

  • night driving dangers

    Fall Brings Shorter Days and More Dangerous Night Driving

    Today is the first day of fall! The most colorful time of the year for the Mohawk Valley. A time where days get shorter and night starts sooner. And night starts even earlier with daylight savings time on Sunday, November 7. (Hard to believe it’s still light out in June at 9:00 PM!) The thing […]

    September 21, 2021

  • how to start a small business

    Are You Thinking of Starting a Business?

    Small business is the backbone of the Mohawk Valley. That’s different than our storied history of larger corporations. Longtime residents will remember General Electric, Chicago Pneumatic, and a thriving Remington Arms. We even had our own airline, Mohawk Airlines!! But except for insurance companies (we represent all three), like Utica National, Utica First, and NYCM, […]

    September 14, 2021

  • flood insurance utica ny

    What You Should Know After Your Home is Flooded

    Flooding is the new normal here in the Utica, New York area. That may be from climate change. Or new construction over the years. Be that as it may, more and more of us are experiencing the devastating effects of flood damage to our property. What if that is you? What should you do after […]

    September 7, 2021

  • e-bike insurance

    Is Your E-Bike Covered On Your Homeowners Insurance?

    While many are flying by you on the road in their sports cars or motorcycles, you may have noticed an influx of people zipping by on their electric bikes, AKA, e-bikes. Here in the Utica area, we have become fascinated by this form of transportation and wanted to learn more about them, so we decided […]

    August 31, 2021