Category: Uncategorized

  • People First at MHA Utica and Scalzo Zogby & Wittig

    Holiday Cheer at Utica’s People First

    Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig is excited to announce that this year we donated Christmas Cheer to five families from People First (formerly the Municipal Housing Authority). We gave four families gift cards of $550 to $650, depending on the number of kids living in the home. And $200 to one senior citizen. According to our […]

    December 13, 2022

  • porch theft utica ny

    How to Stop Porch Pirates This Holiday Season

    Anyone who works at home knows, UPS, FedEx, and Amazon trucks delivering packages throughout the neighborhood is as common as the postman’s daily visit. Especially now during the holiday season in the Mohawk Valley. The Covid pandemic caused online buying to skyrocket. Covid has thankfully ended as the scourge it was, but online shopping has […]

    December 6, 2022

  • phantom traffic jams

    Why Traffic Jams Occur Out of Nowhere

    It’s annoying enough to find yourself slowing down in traffic as you drive into a Work Zone. But at least you can see a reason for the snail’s pace of travel. The highway is being made better. New pavement will soon make for a smoother ride. But as you decelerate into that crawling line of […]

    November 29, 2022

  • thanksgiving mohawk valley

    Fun Thanksgiving Conversation with a Local Flavor

    This Thanksgiving the Mohawk Valley is planning family gatherings just like the old days. Yes, Covid may prevent some from enjoying the festivities. But this week that’s more a flu-like inconvenience as people are vaccinated and Covid is, for the most part, less dangerous. So we thought we’d continue our annual tradition of offering fun […]

    November 22, 2022

  • cyber security insurance utica ny

    Active Cyber Insurance Protection

    This is our fourth and final post in our series on cyber security for your business. We’ve talked about the biggest worries in cyber security in 2022, how to get started with a business cyber security program, and what to do if you are attacked. In this post we’ll talk about the insurance coverages available […]

    November 15, 2022

  • cyber attack tips

    You Just Discovered a Cyber Attack! What Now?

    Your data has been breached! Your heart races. You’re angry and confused. What do you do? In our last post on cybersecurity, we offered suggestions on how to avoid just such a scenario. But even if you have installed at least some of these preventive measures, cyber criminals are very sophisticated. So if they get […]

    November 8, 2022

  • business cybersecurity

    Start Your Business Cyber Security Program Today

    Cyber attacks are increasing for small and mid-size businesses. The same businesses who are least able to afford them. We reported this in our last post about cybercrime worries in 2022. And we see in the October 10, 2022 issue of the CNY Business Journal confirmation of this by speakers at the Manufacturers Association of […]

    October 25, 2022

  • cybercrime against small & midsize business

    Cybercrime Worries for Small & Midsize Businesses in 2022

    Cyber Security has been an issue since the dawn of the internet. Over the years, we have written about the nature of cyber crime, provided prevention tips, and described how insurance can mitigate risks in our blog. But cybercrime has evolved. The fast moving nature of cyber risks begs the question, what should business owners […]

    October 18, 2022

  • Personal Liability Umbrella Insurance

    Personal Umbrella Insurance: Lots of Protection, Low Cost

    Accidents happen. No matter how careful, how cautious you are, sometimes things happen. A car crash. A fire. A natural disaster. Unexpected events like this are the main reason why insurance exists, so that people can sleep easier at night knowing that their vehicles, their homes, and their possessions are protected in case of an […]

    October 11, 2022

  • sober october

    The Clear Headed New Trend Sweeping the Nation: Sober October

    You may have heard of Dry January, and the amusingly-named Dry July. Now get ready for the newest month to join the sobriety trend: Sober October! Sober October was first introduced in 2014, when the Macmillan Cancer Support, a UK charity, issued a challenge to raise money. The challenge was to go the entire month […]

    October 4, 2022