Category: Uncategorized

  • umbrella insurance utica ny

    Is Car and Home Liability Insurance Enough?

    When we think of being sued personally, the hazard that typically comes to mind is our vehicles. Driving cars and pickups is probably the most dangerous thing we do. At least in our personal lives. Indeed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), car accidents are a leading cause of death in […]

    July 13, 2021

  • car insurance utica ny

    3 Most Common Utica Area Car Insurance Blind Spots

    We’ve found that when people first buy car insurance, their number one priority is to get their car on the road. They’re usually young and excited about getting their own vehicle. To many of them, insurance is just a mandate. An annoying bureaucratic step in the process of getting them on the road. We understand. […]

    July 6, 2021

  • home insurance profile

    Get a Risk Profile on Your Home

    The insurance industry helps you mitigate personal and business risks. Here at Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig we feel that the best way to prevent disasters is to know more about them. That’s why we publish insurance articles on our blog every week. There’s no question we are here for you when disaster does happen. Your […]

    June 29, 2021

  • remters insurance utica ny

    What, Me Worry About Insurance? I’m a Renter

    For most of us, our first permanent residence away from our parents is an apartment. It’s a lot cheaper than buying a house. We haven’t saved enough money to buy one anyway. And who wants the responsibility so soon after high school or college. So after signing the lease, insurance is often the last thing […]

    June 22, 2021

  • homeowners insurance utica ny

    4 Unusual Losses Covered On Your Homeowners Insurance

    Remember when you bought your first home? What was one of the first things that came to mind? You may not remember, but was it something along these lines? “I’ve just signed my life away…what if something terrible happens to the house?” Yes, home ownership is an awesome responsibility. That’s why you bought homeowners insurance […]

    June 15, 2021

  • drowsy driving

    6 Ways to Beat Drowsy Driving

    You’re a passenger racing down the highway. The driver nods off. Oh, oh! A friend of ours told us about the time his wife did just that while on the New York State Thruway. He noticed, grabbed the wheel, shouted “Wake up!!!” and thanked God he got the car back in its lane. According to […]

    June 8, 2021

  • Proper display American Flag

    How To Properly Display the American Flag At Home

    We were happy to see Utica area homes displaying the American flag this Memorial Day weekend. And we’ve noticed lots of homeowners keep them up for the entire summer. Good for them! For us, the flag honors the sacrifices so many Americans make for our community. Not only the military men and women who serve. […]

    June 1, 2021

  • speeding in utica ny

    Speeding…No Big Deal, Right?

    We’ve all done it. Gotten ourselves into a situation where we have to get there fast. We’re late for work, an appointment, or picking up the kids from practice. So we drive over the limit…we speed. Not a big deal? Not so fast (pun intended)! In 2018, speeding killed 9,378 people. This meant speeding was […]

    May 25, 2021

  • marijuana and driving

    Does Marijuana Effect Your Driving?

    Marijuana in New York State is legal! Sort of. You can legally possess a small amount of marijuana. But you can’t buy it yet. Or sell it without a license. But you can smoke it and police can’t arrest you for carrying a small amount of pot. We won’t get into the details of the […]

    May 18, 2021

  • seat belts utica ny

    What You Should Know About Seat Belts

    We talked to a friend of ours about seatbelts the other day. He’s in his late 60s, so he remembers his parents’ new car back in the late 50s or early 60s. It was a gray and white Pontiac station wagon. It had a standard transmission on the column and something new…seat belts. But his […]

    May 10, 2021