
  • veterans mohawk valley

    Veterans Day: Why the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month?

    Happy Veterans Day, Mohawk Valley!! Today we celebrate military Veterans “…for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.” Veterans Day was born of World War I. This was the horrific conflict in Europe that began in 1914. On one side were the Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, […]

    November 10, 2020

  • cyber insurance utica ny

    Business Concerned With Cybersecurity But Is That Enough?

    October was Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This obviously brought to mind hackers and online criminals affecting our clients’ businesses. So we posted some of our past cybercrime articles along with other expert advice on our social media pages. We realize it’s difficult to keep up with all the challenges businesses face each year. But we wondered […]

    November 3, 2020

  • car maintenance

    Car Maintenance WAS as Easy as a Lawn Mower

    We’ve written before about modern car technology, concentrating on two advancements. Technology that distracts us all and technology that helps older drivers. You see and hear the distracting tech in today’s cars in the radio, GPS, and even video. And older drivers get all kinds of technological help in newer cars. Take a look at […]

    October 26, 2020

  • life insurance conversation

    The Life Insurance Conversation During COVID-19

    We’re guessing on this, but has life insurance come up in conversation a bit more this year? The pandemic has brought the fragility of life top of mind. People here in the Utica area…and throughout the world…realize now more than ever how important all of us are to each other. That means husbands and wives, […]

    October 20, 2020

  • utica halloween

    Should Utica Area Kids Trick Or Treat This Year?

    Halloween is rapidly approaching. Should you let your kids trick-or-treat this year? We checked around for advice and here’s what we found. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has an information page on their website on coping with the holidays during the COVID-19 pandemic. They divide the section on Halloween into “Lower risk,” […]

    October 12, 2020

  • speeding in car

    The Pandemic, Mohawk Valley Roadways, and NASCAR Wannabe’s

    Just as the national Covid-19 shutdown began, we got an amazing story from a former Utican. He now lives in Los Angeles and he told us that traffic had come to a virtual halt in La La Land. This is the city of six lane highways and bumper to bumper traffic. He was astounded…the roads […]

    October 6, 2020

  • online scams

    How to Avoid “Security Alert” and “Customer Service” Scams

    A friend of ours subscribes to a number of professional email newsletters. The other day he received what he thought was a routine tip sheet. But this one was different. The email subject line, “I was scammed” told the story. The newsletter’s author had been taken for a ride by a security alert scam. She […]

    September 29, 2020

  • gift cards

    How to Get More Out of Your Gift Card

    Gift cards are the rage these days. They’re easy to buy. And they give the receiver the freedom to get whatever they choose from the vendor. But there are terms and conditions that come with each card. It’s a good idea that when you give the card, you give these terms and conditions to the […]

    September 21, 2020

  • power of attorney

    I’ve Been Appointed Power of Attorney…Now What?

    Have you or someone you know been appointed a power of attorney? If so, you probably have questions. What’s your role as an agent? What is a fiduciary who manages money or property for another person? We went to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to get some answers. First off, we aren’t attorneys, so […]

    September 14, 2020

  • save home energy

    Easy Ways to Save Energy at Home

    You can be saving money on energy at home year round: heat in the winter and air conditioning in the summer. Not only that but helping the country save on the resources needed for energy. But what are easy ways that anyone can implement no matter when your home was built or how large it […]

    September 8, 2020