Category: Uncategorized

  • cyber attacks

    Phishing? Ransomware? Botnet? What Kind of Cyber Attack is This?

    Cyberattacks are in the news practically every day. It’s a scary thought that our country’s major infrastructure is vulnerable to computer system hacks. The same is true with our major corporations. But even small businesses in the Utica area should be careful with the information they store on their computers. And their transactions online with […]

    September 17, 2019

  • Zak Scalzo

    Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig, Inc. is Expanding Downstate

    President Gary Scalzo announced on September 04, 2019 the appointment of his son, Zachary T. Scalzo, as an Account Executive in Sleepy Hollow, NY. Zak is a licensed property and casualty agent offering auto, home, and business insurance. Zak previously worked in hospitality management in San Diego and New York. He grew up in New […]

    September 10, 2019

  • dwi in new york state

    What a DWI Conviction Means in New York State

    A DWI conviction in here in Central New York is a serious, humiliating, and expensive offense. In the difficult moments after your DWI arrest, you worry over skyrocketing insurance rates, loss of driving rights, and expensive legal fees. We thought that a good way to discourage you from taking the chance might be some straightforward […]

    August 27, 2019

  • confused insurance terms

    “What the Heck Are They Talking About?” Insurance Jargon Explained

    The insurance business is no different than other industries in its specialized language…commonly known as jargon. As independent agents we’ve become used to saying “no-fault,” “deductibles,” and “endorsement.” But we often forget that what’s familiar to us isn’t always understood by our customers. So we thought we’d put together a short insurance glossary for you. […]

    August 20, 2019

  • business owners insurance

    Special Insurance for Business Owners

    Business owners here in the Mohawk Valley work hard to deliver the best products and services they can. And we’re the winners because we get high-class restaurants, superior work from our contractors, and wise professional service from our law and accounting firms. Not to mention funeral homes, photographers, investment firms and the many other service […]

    August 13, 2019

  • starting a business

    Thinking of Starting Your Own Business?

    The internet allows businesses to scale their products and services like never before. No matter how big…or small…the niche, it is much easier now to connect. That’s because online, your customers are looking for what you offer. They actually find you. Do you think you have a product or service that people would pay for? […]

    August 6, 2019

  • atv safety for kids

    ATV Safety for Kids Ages 19 and Younger

    All-Terrain Vehicles are popular in Central New York, especially with kids. They’re fast, easy to ride, and, best of all, are built to travel off road. The beautiful hills and valleys of the Mohawk Valley are the perfect place to ride in the summer and fall. Thing is, ATVs don’t offer much protection for riders. […]

    July 30, 2019

  • home insurance

    Insurance For First Time Home Buyers

    It’s an exciting time moving into your first home. You’re free do decorate, paint, and organize any way you want. You gain privacy with no tenants living in apartments upstairs or down the hall. And you’ll feel the pride in ownership that comes with your beautiful new home. But you’ve also taken on a whole […]

    July 23, 2019

  • farm insurance

    Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig Now Offers Farm Insurance

    Farming is a driving force in our local economy and Oneida, Madison, and Herkimer Counties are truly proud of their agricultural heritage. There’s the great tradition of dairy farming. And more recently farm-to-table local meats, grains, and vegetables offered at restaurants, schools, and farmers markets. The New York State Agricultural District Profile of January 1, […]

    July 15, 2019

  • safe cars for teens

    Choosing a Safe Car for Your Teen

    Is your teen ready to own a car? We’ve talked about the risks kids face as new drivers in New York State. They get into more accidents because they’re inexperienced and more prone to take chances while driving. They tend to let peer pressure cause them to drive irresponsibly at unsafe speeds. They like to […]

    July 9, 2019