Category: Uncategorized

  • important personal papers

    Where is that Social Security Card? Grab the Red File

    How many times have you had to search for your Social Security card? A birth certificate? A marriage license? Probably not very often. That’s why these important papers are usually tucked away in various files and boxes. Then stored in the usual place in your home… “somewhere.” But occasionally things come up where you need […]

    July 21, 2020

  • road rage

    Why We Crash Our Cars: The Scientific Method Part 2

    Last week we introduced the scientific method researchers use to understand car crashes. These “naturalistic driving studies” use sophisticated equipment installed in volunteers’ cars. It includes sonar, accelerometers, sensors, and video cameras. If the volunteers get into an accident, researchers have the data recorded by the devices. Last week we talked about three behavioral issues. […]

    July 13, 2020

  • car crash causes

    Why We Crash Our Cars: The Scientific Method Part 1

    Can you ever know the exact cause of a car accident? Even if you’re the driver it’s often impossible to know all the circumstances leading to a crash. How fast was the other driver going? Were you concentrating on what you were doing the split second before the accident? People say some crazy things about […]

    July 7, 2020

  • lost life insurance utica ny

    Am I the Beneficiary of a Deceased Loved One’s Life Insurance?

    After a loved one passes away, clients come to us wondering if there were any life insurance policies. The answer is easy if we wrote the policy. Thing is, people often purchase more than one policy from a number of different sources. They may have lived elsewhere and bought some life insurance early in their […]

    June 30, 2020

  • recycle electronics utica ny

    It’s Easy to Recycle Your Old Electronics

    Are you upgrading to a new computer? Getting rid of that old one with the outdated software? You might be wondering if you should you just toss it in the trash. Or is there a better way. First off, disposing of computer equipment in the regular trash is illegal. It’s regulated in New York State […]

    June 23, 2020

  • identity theft

    Identity Theft: Wait a Minute, That’s Not Me!

    According to a study from Javelin Strategy & Research, the number of victims of identity fraud was 14.4 million in 2018. This was actually down from the 16.7 million the year before. The reason is a reduction in credit card fraud. Financial institutions, merchants, and card networks have worked to make it more difficult for […]

    June 15, 2020

  • in vehicle info systems

    In-Vehicle Information Systems Extremely Dangerous

    A friend of ours told us that he cancelled his Sirius Radio subscription because it almost killed him! He had traded in his old car for a leased vehicle that had short term free Sirius. He got listening to the George Carlin station, one of the funniest comedians ever (he said). Well, he’s in New […]

    June 8, 2020

  • exersice at desk

    Relieve Stress, Gain Strength with These Deskercises

    How can you exercise sitting at your desk all day? Don’t you have to hit the gym at night? After work? Not necessarily. Ever heard of “chair yoga”? It’s a way to loosen muscles and improve circulation with yoga poses using your chair. And there’s more. Exercises you can do while there at your computer. […]

    June 1, 2020

  • cyber security

    Cyber Security for Employees Working at Home

    Remote work has become the new norm. As a result, Security Boulevard reports that 23% of information security professionals have experienced increased cybersecurity incidents. Cybercriminals are finding new opportunities as the COVID-19 pandemic abruptly changed the way we do business. The Society for Human Resource Development (SHRM) warns that, “Remote-access technologies are exposed to more […]

    May 26, 2020

  • motorcycle ride Utica

    Riding Your Motorcycle in the Utica Area During the Shutdown

    Motorcycle season is upon us, but so is Corona-19. What should you do differently when riding during the shutdown? First, a disclaimer. You must check local and state guidelines for the latest on the current situation. So go to the websites of Oneida, Herkimer, and Madison Counties for local info. Those along with the New […]

    May 18, 2020