
  • catalytic converter theft central new york

    Catalytic Converter Theft Comes to Central New York

    What’s worth more per ounce than gold? Two of the three rare earth metals in your car’s catalytic converter! That’s why U. S. cities are reporting an upsurge in thefts of this valuable part of your exhaust system. In New York State, during the last few years there have been headlines like this, “Catalytic Converter […]

    January 19, 2021

  • car insurance policy

    4 Things To Look For In Your Car Insurance Policy

    When’s the last time you looked at your car insurance policy? Probably at renewal when you received it in the mail. Did it make sense to you? Or confuse you? Maybe you just tucked it away in your Red File to “get to later.” (What’s a Red File? Find out about this neat way to organize […]

    January 12, 2021

  • home insurance utica ny

    Your Home Insurance Q & A

    Insurance is complicated. We get it. That’s one reason we publish articles in our blog every week. It’s our way to help you get answers to your questions about protecting your home, car, and business. Speaking of questions, here are four that we typically get from our customers. They concern homeowner insurance valuation, deductibles, and […]

    January 5, 2021

  • independent insurance agents

    5 Reasons Independent Agents Offer Better Insurance

    What are the things that go into a better insurance experience? After all, aren’t insurance policies pretty much the same? Why should I buy from this agent and not that one? Let us help you out with these 5 reasons why you should choose an independent insurance agency. And as an independent agent, why Scalzo, […]

    December 29, 2020

  • scalzo zogby wittig inc

    SZW’s Unconventional But Merry Utica MHA Christmas

    COVID-19 may have slowed us down, but it didn’t stop us from sharing holiday cheer to four Utica families! Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig, Inc. is again partnering with the Municipal Housing Authority (MHA) with our annual Giveback Friday. This year we presented each family a $500 gift card to be used to purchase whatever they […]

    December 22, 2020

  • utica roundabout john street rt. 5S

    Utica Gets a New Roundabout at Rt. 5S and John Street

    The NYS Department of Transportation announced Utica’s newest roundabout. It opened Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at the intersection of Route 5S/Oriskany Street and John Street. This is the city’s second roundabout. Remember the controversy over the one at Oneida Square? Lots of letters to the Utica OD railing against it. How could the city construct […]

    December 15, 2020

  • snow tires utica ny

    3 Winter Driving Myths Debunked

    At the end of his lease last January, a friend of ours subbed out his mid-size car for a smaller one. As he drove away on that snowy day, he noticed something. The car was tough to handle on our wintery Utica roads. It tended to slip and slide more than his previous vehicle. Frustrating! […]

    December 8, 2020

  • homeowners insurance utica ny

    The Right Home Insurance Protection in the Mohawk Valley

    Home sales were up in October! The November 30, 2020 Central New York Business Journal has closed home sales in New York State up nearly 17 percent. And pending sales up almost 39 percent. Though the number of homes sold in Oneida County in October of 2020 was down from October of last year, the […]

    December 1, 2020

  • happy thanksgiving mohawk valley

    Special Thanks for Crazy 2020

    At Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig we’re especially thankful this year. One big reason is our talented staff. Like other Mohawk Valley businesses, we had to follow New York State’s COVID 19 protocols. That meant shifting our account managers, claims representative, and back office staff. They went from the office at Lomond Place to working at […]

    November 23, 2020

  • snowmobile insurance new york state

    Before You Hit the Snowmobile Trails in New York

    What’s one of the great advantages of a Central New York winter? Some of the best snowmobiling in the country. Ever go Christmas shopping in Old Forge? If the snow is good, the place is packed with snowmobilers! But there’s more than just Old Forge. Just head up to Speculator, Long Lake, and Lake Placid […]

    November 16, 2020