Category: Uncategorized

  • My Car is Totaled, Now What?

    If after an accident, your car is damaged beyond repair, or the cost of repairs is more than the car is worth, your insurance company will consider it a total loss. Assuming you have Physical Damage Coverage on your car (also called Collision) your company will then, in effect, buy the car from you. Your […]

    June 16, 2015

  • Texting and Driving is a Bad Idea

    When you drive the Adirondacks you’re constantly wary of the deer. They’re everywhere and they can dart out in front of you at any moment, especially at dusk. A while ago, we got a great driving tip from a salesman who worked the Adirondacks. He said watch for any horizontal line against the vertical trees. […]

    June 9, 2015

  • How Much Life Insurance?

    For most people living here in the Utica-Rome area we like to think of life insurance as an income replacement vehicle. Yes, some people will have estate taxes to pay and others have responsibilities to their businesses. But for many hard working Central New Yorkers, especially those whose families depend on their income, a sudden […]

    June 2, 2015

  • Keep Your Composure with Special Event Insurance

    Is this the year that you are planning that big, once in a lifetime special event? Maybe you’re a proud parent planning a baptism with family from both sides and all of your friends invited. Or a huge pig roast for the whole neighborhood plus everyone from all points east/west/north/south. You might even be planning […]

    May 26, 2015

  • Simplifying Insurance and Golf

    We use our blog to simplify things for you. Make it easier to understand how you can protect yourself from injuries or property damage losses with insurance. Even more importantly, safety tips to prevent disasters in the first place. With the golf season finally upon us, it occurred to us that the pros also keep […]

    May 19, 2015

  • Crafters…Insurance Protection for as Little as $150!

    Have you noticed the surge in crafter’s events here in the Utica area? There’s the Indie Garage Sale (just held at the Union Station in Utica) featuring fused and melted glass art, hand designed greeting cards, gorgeous jewelry and much more. And frequent craft fairs in New Hartford, Sauquoit, Clinton, and Marcy. These shows offer […]

    May 12, 2015

  • Add Peace of Mind to Your Wedding Checklist

    One of our friends has two kids getting married this year. That’s right, a son getting married in Connecticut and a daughter right here in Utica. No question, he and his wife (mainly his wife) have some serious wedding planning ahead of them. (Though we have heard he’s starting to get interested in watching Say […]

    April 28, 2015

  • Great Deals for Low Cost, High Coverage Auto Insurance

    You get so many different coverages in an auto policy, you might not be aware as to how you can benefit from low cost, high coverage sections that could save you and your family from huge financial burdens. Coverages such as No-Fault, Personal Injury Protection, Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist, and Medical Payments seem baffling to most people. […]

    April 23, 2015

  • Low Cost, High Coverage Home Business Insurance Policies

    We all have friends here in the New Hartford, Whitesboro, Clinton, and Utica Rome area that own their own businesses and run them from home. There are life coaches, graphic designers, and content marketers that we know all with home offices. The World Wide Web has made this easier than ever. In fact, we get […]

    March 3, 2015