Category: Uncategorized

  • Halloween utica ny

    Halloween Fun, Scary $$$$

    Halloween isn’t that big a deal, right? Baby boomers remember a simple, fun time of roaming the sidewalks, bribing neighbors for treats with playful threats of tricks. But look what it’s turned into. From The National Retail Federation (NRF) Expected spending for Halloween in 2018: $9 billion! Spending per celebrant: $86.79 Americans celebrating Halloween: 175 […]

    October 23, 2018

  • securing mohawk valley home

    Flying South for the Winter? How to Secure Your Mohawk Valley Home

    Not everyone in the Mohawk Valley stays here for our cold, dark winter months. Florida beckons and many Utica area residents fly south for the winter and return in the spring. That means they’re leaving their houses empty for half the year. Are you a snowbird? If you are, here are some things you should […]

    October 16, 2018

  • car accident utica ny

    I Just Had a Car Accident. What Now?

    The last thing any of us want to suffer is the pain of a car accident. Even the dull sound of metal against metal in a minor collision can be frightening and traumatic. But accidents happen. There are over 300,000 traffic crashes in New York State each year. And circumstance can lead even those good […]

    October 9, 2018

  • fall driving hazards

    Fall Driving Scrapes to Avoid in the Mohawk Valley

    What does fall bring to the Utica area beside beautiful color? How about the Utica Comets and Utica College, Hamilton, and Colgate hockey. Youth hockey and football. Theater, hay rides and pumpkin pie. Plus, driving dangers unique to the Central New York fall season. They’re lurking everywhere, poised to cause you unexpected grief. Take a […]

    October 2, 2018

  • insurance tornado utica

    What Should You Do if a Tornado Strikes the Utica Area?

    With Hurricane Florence wreaking havoc on the Southeastern coast, our thoughts are with everyone there suffering from massive flooding. But we also breathe a sigh of relief that we don’t experience hurricanes here in Utica area. Yes it rains and our winters are tough, but there are no coastal waters that would fuel these terrifying […]

    September 18, 2018

  • life insurance utica, ny

    Life Insurance is Problem Solving Ahead of Time

    When it comes to life insurance, what we’re really talking about is problem solving ahead of time. Whether you’re married or single, employed or in business for yourself, early planning for those you’re financially responsible for makes sense. But though it makes sense, we understand how tough it is to ask yourself the question “What […]

    September 11, 2018

  • Utica highway infrastructure

    $348.4 Billion Saved with Better Highway Infrastructure

    Have you noticed all the talk lately of our country’s crumbling infrastructure? We’ve been constantly hearing of what amounts to close to an emergency. Our roads and bridges are badly in need of repair. And who in the Utica area hasn’t noticed the rebuild of the arterial. On October 31, 2017, Governor Cuomo announced the […]

    September 4, 2018

  • dog bites new york state law

    Dog Bites and New York State Law

    Believe it or not, the Insurance Information Institute found that over one-third of all homeowners liability claims in the U. S. in 2015 were from dog bites. And the cost per claim averaged more than $37,000 per bite. That’s over $570 million in damages paid! In New York State, the average cost per claim in […]

    August 28, 2018

  • stephanie northrup commercial insurance

    Stephanie Northrup Joins Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig’s Commercial Insurance Department

    We are pleased to announce that Stephanie Northrup has joined our staff as a Commercial Lines Account Manager. She has been in the insurance industry for over 5 years, receiving her broker’s license from the Utica School of Commerce in 2016. President Gary Scalzo said, “We are happy to have Stephanie on board with our […]

    August 21, 2018

  • home owner lawsuits utica ny

    It Could Happen To You: Typical Home Owner Lawsuits

    When most of us think of our lawsuit crazy society, corporate misconduct comes to mind. Law firms advertise on television their expertise with asbestos claims or illnesses caused by certain drugs. And everyone remembers the woman who sued McDonalds after she spilled a hot cup of coffee on her lap. (According to Wikipedia, the suit […]

    August 14, 2018