
  • Great Deals for Low Cost, High Coverage Auto Insurance

    You get so many different coverages in an auto policy, you might not be aware as to how you can benefit from low cost, high coverage sections that could save you and your family from huge financial burdens. Coverages such as No-Fault, Personal Injury Protection, Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist, and Medical Payments seem baffling to most people. […]

    April 23, 2015

  • Low Cost, High Coverage Home Business Insurance Policies

    We all have friends here in the New Hartford, Whitesboro, Clinton, and Utica Rome area that own their own businesses and run them from home. There are life coaches, graphic designers, and content marketers that we know all with home offices. The World Wide Web has made this easier than ever. In fact, we get […]

    March 3, 2015

  • What Home Business Owners Get Wrong

    We’re in the internet age where it’s easy to do business from home. Whether you are a consultant, life coach, or even selling tangible products, the Web allows you to do business all over the world right from your desktop or laptop. Here in the New Hartford area we are finding more of our customers […]

    February 24, 2015

  • What Happens with Insurance on a Vacant or Unoccupied Home?

    You might think that it would be unusual for your home to be vacant or unoccupied. But it happens quite often here in Central New York. We know of a friend in a nice neighborhood in the Utica area who lives near two recently vacant homes. In one, the single son and parent have both […]

    February 17, 2015

  • The Best Insurance Deal in Town

    Things happen…we all know that life carries with it a multitude of risks. Your neighbor can trip and fall off your front porch, you can get into a car accident, or your tree can fall over onto the house next door. Most of the accidents in life are minor and no more than an inconvenience. […]

    February 10, 2015

  • Why a New Auto Policy For Your Young Driver May Be a Bad Idea

    If you’re a parent here in the New Hartford area, you either are or will have a young driver in your household. As we recall back when we were that age (a long time ago for many of us here at Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig!), getting your drivers license was the most exciting thing about […]

    February 3, 2015

  • You Might Have More Stuff Than You Think

    Imagine you’ve just suffered a devastating fire. There’s nothing left but the burned out remnants of your home and everything that was in it. Your first worry is most likely, “Am I covered on my homeowners insurance for all of this?” The fact of the matter is, you probably are. We do everything we can […]

    January 27, 2015

  • How to Take Charge of Your Insurance Program for Better Results in Central NY

    Do you ever ask yourself whether you really matter to the people you do business with? Some of us who have been around for a while (yes, that means our own Gary Scalzo and Steve Zogby!) remember when you knew the owners of most of the local stores. If you weren’t sure about a product, […]

    January 20, 2015

  • How Safe Are Your Company’s Profits After a Fire?

    When it comes to protecting your business property from fire, wind, theft, and all of the other perils covered in your Business Property Insurance policy, the first thing on most owners’ minds is the restoration of the property itself. If there’s a fire at the plant or office, damage to the building needs to be […]

    January 13, 2015