Category: Uncategorized

  • Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of NY on Teen Party Guidelines

    Teen Parties… they were ok when we were teens, but having a couples of teens now?  OMG!  Well, the best way to deal with them, in my opinion, is to keep the lines of communication open; tell them what you expect, act and be responsible, and to call – no questions asked, no matter what time – if […]

    June 28, 2012

  • Stay Cool in Your New Pool!

    But, before you go diving in to the prospect of a new pool be sure to do your home work and cover some basics of pool ownership: 1st, you should check with your town or city officials to determine what codes apply, or safety standards you will have to have in place, like a fence and/or lock.   […]

    June 15, 2012

  • Matt’s Successful Gardening Secrets for CNY – Part II

    For our next installment of Garden Blog, let’s discuss Mulch.  Most of us know what mulch is, we put it around our trees and around our perennial bushes and shrubs.  But, many of us do not know WHY we mulch.  For most the main reasons are to keep weeds down and to look attractive.  And […]

    May 22, 2012

  • So, Your 16 Year-Old Passed the Road Test, Now What?

    First, you panic!  OMG, what was I thinking letting him get his license?    Is he covered if he gets into an accident?  So many scenarios start swimming in your head.  Take a deep breath, and if you did your job as a parent and actually taught your child to drive (or even paid someone else to do […]

    May 14, 2012

  • Tune In this Wednesday

    As Honorary Co-Chairs Gary Scalzo and Steve Zogby hope that you will tune in tomorrow, April 18th, to WUTR-TV for the 6th Annual Telethon for the Oneida County Historical Society.  Since 1876, the Oneida County Historical Society has served the citizens of the Mohawk Valley as a museum, research library, and as a center of […]

    April 17, 2012

  • Keep Your Home Safe While You Are Away

    Ahh….. Vacation….  It’s that time of year when we all start thinking of where to go, how far we feel like driving, or should we fly?  Once that is settled our bags are packed and we just can’t get out the door fast enough. Wait!  Have to make sure the house is taken care of.  While […]

    April 6, 2012

  • Start! A New Healthy Habit

    Step awaaaayy from the keyboard, put the cell phone down, we’re not done yet.  Even after the successful America’s Greatest Heart Run & Walk, we decided to walk some more.  Join us at City Hall for a 1 mile walk (it really won’t kill you) to get you started on a healthier life.   This Wednesday, […]

    March 30, 2012

  • Choosing an Independent Agent May Be Right For You

    They have the right idea… Chubb has created a video: The Real Deal About Independent Agents, stating the obvious when the time comes to decide on insurance for your home or auto or boat, etc.    You could choose to do your business on-line, or even call that 800 number, and that works out fine for some people.  […]

    March 20, 2012

  • Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig, Inc. Celebrates 20 Years in Business

    20 years is a LONG time for anything…….a business, a marriage, even friendships.  In a way Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig, Inc. is celebrating all three.  The business partnership that Gary and Steve share is like a marriage, where there are agreements, disagreements and compromises.  It’s definitely a friendship.   Since March, 1992, Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig, […]

    March 8, 2012