Heart Healthy Diet Personalized Just For You

March 9, 2021

heart health utica nyWe noticed in the Utica OD recently an announcement that Cornell Cooperative Extension of Herkimer County has released the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The timing couldn’t be better. We’re hosting the 2021 Heart Telethon on Thursday, March 11, 2021.

In light of that, we looked through the Guidelines for some tips on Heart Health. Here’s what we found.

First, the bad news.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. About 18.2 million adults have coronary artery disease. Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death. Hypertension and high LDL cholesterol are major risk factors in both heart disease and stroke.

Now, the good news.

According to the Dietary Guidelines, “The foods and beverages that people consume have a profound impact on their health. The scientific connection between food and health has been well documented for decades.”

That means one thing. When it comes to heart health, what should come to mind is not surgery. It’s breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Simple changes to your dietary pattern with nutrient dense food make all the difference. And substantially lower your chances of getting heart disease.

Your dietary pattern is the combination of foods you eat and beverages you drink over time. Nutrient dense foods and beverages provide vitamins, minerals, and other health-promoting components. The key is, they contain little added sugars, saturated fat, or sodium.

As to added sugars, just take a bite of a Pink Lady apple. So sweet! Include that in your dietary pattern and you’ll think, “Who needs sugar?”

So what are examples of nutrient dense foods? Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, seafood, eggs, beans, peas, lentils, unsalted nuts/seeds, fat-free and low-fat dairy products, and lean meats and poultry.

How to Start a Personalized Healthy Eating Plan As Early As Tomorrow

We live in an age that celebrates the person as an individual. This fits perfectly into the MyPlate Plan recommended by the Dietary Guidelines. Here you’ll get personalization based on your age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity level.

We tried it out on a 67 year-old male. He is 170 pounds and 5’6” inches tall. The food calculator recommended 2,000 calories a day to achieve a healthy weight. And 2,200 calories per day to maintain his current weight.

We clicked on the “Achieve a Healthy Weight” button and found the following daily recommendations:

  • 2 Cups Fruit
  • 2 ½ Cups Vegetables
  • 5 ½ Ounces Protein
  • 6 Ounces Grains
  • 3 Cups Dairy

Each of the food groups listed links to more info about each. You can even download the MyPlate App and place a widget on your blog or website to post or share your progress.

The MyPlate recommendations are coordinated with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines, so you know they are scientifically based.

2021 Heart Telethon in Utica, NY

So join us on Thursday, March 11 for America’s Greatest Heart Run and Walk Telethon. We look forward to your call and hope you’ll give generously.

But just as important, take the advice of the Dietary Guidelines and the MyPlate Plan. Start your heart healthy lifestyle today. You won’t regret it as you lose weight and feel better. And a bonus benefit, enjoy the taste of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Sweet!

Until next time,
Your SZW Team

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