We’re Cutting Her Loose……..Linda Ryan retires!

September 27, 2011


It’s always nice when you can finally put a face to a name of someone you’ve worked with for years, but never met.  That’s what happens every year when our annual SZW picnic takes place.  Company people are invited to join us for an afternoon of Symeon’s GREAT FOOD and beverage. 

One of OUR faces, however, is retiring this week.  Linda Ryan has been with our office for 25 years, but has decided ‘its time’.   Linda has been the voice of Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig for many years, thanking you for calling.  She has also been the person her customers have turned to for all their insurance needs.  Linda will be missed by all of us here at Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig, (and probably envied a little too).   Enjoy Linda!