Stay Cool in Your New Pool!
June 15, 2012
But, before you go diving in to the prospect of a new pool be sure to do your home work and cover some basics of pool ownership:
1st, you should check with your town or city officials to determine what codes apply, or safety standards you will have to have in place, like a fence and/or lock. Even if Codes doesn’t require a fence and/or lock, common sense should.
The next thing, should you decide to get that pool: Every one, I mean EVERY ONE, needs to learn pool safety, know how to swim, and follow the rules of the pool. You will need to keep life-saving floatation equipment available and keep emergency phone numbers handy.
Another thought? Insurance. Will your homeowners’ insurance respond if you have a claim? Will there be coverage if the pool is damaged? Do you have enough liability coverage in the event of an accident? Does your company allow a diving board? Call your agent; they should have the answers.
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