Kids Must Run! Halloween Safety Tips 2023

October 24, 2023

halloween safety utica nyThat magical, spooky night with silly high jinks and mountains of candy is almost here…Halloween is upon us! Kids of all ages will be out and about next Tuesday night trick-or-treating throughout the neighborhoods of the Mohawk Valley.

We can thank the Irish for this fun, kid-centered holiday that began as an ancient Celtic festival called Samhain. The Celts celebrated their new year on November 1, marking the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter.

They believed that the night before the new year the world of the dead joined the living world. So October 31, on Samhain, they celebrated the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. And so it is with the ghosts, goblins, and skeletons returning to your door on Halloween.

If you’re a parent of one or more of these frightful ghosts…or little princesses and superheroes…we’ve got some suggestions for you to help you keep the energetic little ones safe. As you know, kids must run and with the excitement of the evening they can get themselves hurt.

So, safety first! Before leading the kids on their ghostly journey, check out these Halloween safety tips for kids:

Visibility is Key: Make sure your child is easily visible in the dark. Add reflective tape to their costumes or give them glow sticks or flashlights.

Choose Safe Costumes: Ensure that costumes are flame-resistant and fit well to prevent tripping. Avoid masks that obstruct vision; consider using non-toxic makeup instead.

Plan the Route: Stick to well-lit areas and plan a route in advance. Let someone know the route you’ll be taking, and set a curfew for older kids.

Buddy System: Encourage kids to trick-or-treat in groups and always have a buddy. Younger kids should be accompanied by an adult.

Street Safety: Teach children to look both ways before crossing the street, and to use crosswalks when available. Remind them to walk, not run.

Be Cautious with Props: If costumes include accessories like swords or wands, ensure they’re flexible and won’t cause harm if they’re accidentally bumped into others.

Check Treats: Inspect all treats before consumption. Discard any open or suspicious-looking items. If your child has allergies, be extra vigilant.

Stay on Sidewalks: Stick to sidewalks and avoid cutting through yards or alleys. Respect private property.

Pet Caution: While pets are adorable, not all of them are comfortable with kids in costumes. Be cautious when approaching houses with pets.

Emergency Plan: Make sure your child knows your phone number and address in case they get separated from the group. Consider giving them a phone for emergencies if they’re old enough.

Remember, Halloween should be a fun and safe experience for everyone visiting your home! And kids can’t help but run from one house to the next. So make sure you remove obstructions on the front lawn that may be hard to see at night.

Most important…enjoy that look of pride on the faces of the kids all dressed up on your front porch after you compliment them on their costumes. And give a hardy shout-out to the parents at the end of the walk keeping them safe.

Until next time,

Your SZW Team

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