Help Curtail Aggression Behind the Wheel

June 10, 2014

Join Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig, Inc. and Safeco Insurance in taking a pledge to be a more courteous driver in Drive It Forward Fridays (#DIFF)

Summer travel season has started, and you have a chance to help make driving in and around Upstate New York more pleasant and safer for everyone.

We at Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig, Inc. are joining Safeco Insurance in asking drivers to participate in Drive It Forward Fridays (DIFF). To take part, drivers can visit  or use the hashtag #DIFF on Twitter to pledge to be a more courteous driver and to share their positive driving actions.

“Helping to promote better driving makes the roads safer for everyone in our community,” said Steve Zogby, Executive VP of Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig, Inc.

A new Safeco Insurance survey found that more than four out of five drivers have experienced others’ aggressive driving behavior, and it impacts them negatively.

Only 36 percent of those surveyed admitted to driving aggressively. Yet, 85 percent describe other drivers as aggressive, and 82 percent said it’s others’ behavior on the road that makes driving a negative experience.

Not all the news is bad. Of those surveyed, 72 percent said that they’d be willing to make at least one change to their own behavior to make driving more pleasant for everyone. So as the summer travel season kicked off, Safeco Insurance launched the Drive It Forward Fridays campaign to encourage drivers to take positive steps to counter negative driving behavior that can be dangerous.

Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig, Inc. is proud to support Drive it Forward Fridays and we’ve made our pledge!

Please join us and Safeco by visiting

Or follow Safeco on Twitter at