
  • Help Curtail Aggression Behind the Wheel

    Join Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig, Inc. and Safeco Insurance in taking a pledge to be a more courteous driver in Drive It Forward Fridays (#DIFF) Summer travel season has started, and you have a chance to help make driving in and around Upstate New York more pleasant and safer for everyone. We at Scalzo, Zogby […]

    June 10, 2014

  • Happy New Year!!

    Everyone at Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig, Inc. wishes all of our family, friends, customers and beyond a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.  Make 2014 your best yet!          

    January 2, 2014

  • Hurricane Sandy and The Used Car Market

    Now that we’ve made it to the one year mark since Hurricane Sandy, you will see more and more of the storm-damaged vehicles making their way back to the used car market.  Please be sure to check out that used vehicle carefully before purchasing, and use the free CarFax flood damage check  or National Insurance […]

    October 30, 2013

  • It’s National Teen Driver Safety Week

    I realize I posted this a year ago, but being the parent of teenage drivers (yes, that is plural) I can not stress enough the importance of making sure you talk to your teen on driver safety, and always ALWAYS remind them to drive safe. This week is National Teen Driver Safety week; let’s make […]

    October 21, 2013


    After 28 years, a longtime friend and Scalzo, Zogby & Wittig customer will retire from the Herkimer ARC.  John Ahern stopped by our office this morning to say thank you for making his job as safety coordinator for Herkimer ARC just a little bit easier.  Steve Zogby, Barb Johnson and Cathy LeTray enjoyed working closely […]

    September 27, 2013

  • Labor Day

    Much to our disappointment, Labor Day seems to mark the end of summer for most of us.  But what do we really know about it?  Yes, it is a big weekend for retailers, counting on the millions of shoppers looking to get the best deals.  And, Yes, it also marks the beginning of the NFL […]

    August 30, 2013

  • For the Love of Pets

    Pets…..a lot of people have them, and the real lucky ones are treated as a member of the family.  Maybe that’s where the phrase ‘lucky dog’ comes from!  Lucky are the dogs, cats, and other pets that really are given the time and attention they so deserve.  Lucky are the owners who come home after a stressful day […]

    August 2, 2013

  • The Boilermaker 2013

      Even if you’re not running the Boilermaker this year, you MUST join the fun.  What great community spirit we see while running the course, short or long.   Our own Matt Briggs will be on the 15k course again this year.  Let’s get out and cheer him on!             See you there!

    July 12, 2013

  • Will the Rain EVER Stop?

    I know I posted some of this just over a year ago, but right this moment it seems quite appropriate to put it out there again.   Rain, rain, go away……..  (I can’t train for the Boilermaker!)   Everyone has noticed how much rain we’re getting this year, right?  Don’t you wonder where all the water is going?   […]

    June 26, 2013

  • Can YOU Hear the Music? – June 15, 2013

    This year, our very own Donna Moulton recently graduated from the 2013 LeadershipMohawkValley program.  “Can You Hear the Music” is an event born out of LMV’s 2013 class to help raise money to support the Foothills Food Pantry; and for those animal lovers, Foothills Food Pantry also houses a pet pantry and thrift shop.  There […]

    June 14, 2013